15 and 23 – How it all began.

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary! 23 years ago I met this guy…this funny, wild, handsome guy! We worked at Lopez Lake Recreation area. He worked the night shift and I the day. Then one fateful workday we had the same evening shift together. He made the shift go by fast with crack me up stories…it was just a nice work shift getting to know this new person. I think this must have been in July or August of some year, but then fast forward to the February the following year and I had just broken up from a long distance relationship and decided no more relationships for me. So what do you do with that kind of affirmation, join the Cal Poly bowling league of course! So on Valentines day, I went down to the Cal Poly bowl and joined the league.

As me and another student…he was young, forgot his name, but he said he wasn’t any good, waited around for our third party. I was fairly good at bowling but not great, but I loved to bowl. So we waited and waited, and we were probably the last team waiting for the third man to show up. And, yup…in strolls Trevis. I was so happy to actually know someone in the league. And he happened to be a ringer! We managed to not come in dead last (ok, second to dead last!) But had a blast! It was the one night a week I looked forward to back then! We became friends.

Hanging out with him was just so easy. We laughed alot and just had fun. I invited him to come hang with me as I wanted to check out the Strawberry festival, to take photos. I carried that camera with me everywhere! No cell phones back then, so I lugged around an old big film camera and took “Rani Shots” of everything…which today happen to be called selfies! Yes, I like to think I invented the selfie! Later that evening. he invited me to be the fourth at SLO Brew for Burgers and beer night…I think it was buy one get one free! And then we watched Braveheart and loved it! After that we started hanging out more and more until, we didn’t want to be out of each other’s reach.

Fast forward to 23 years later: two amazing daughters, a dog, three cats, fish, a mortgage, dozens of family trips, he retiring from almost 20+ years, me finally finding my dream job, bad days and good ones, lots of crying and laughter and lots of change. I am one for change, but I have to admit the business of life and change sometimes get’s in the way. I am reminded to go abck to my roots of being outside and just gain knowledge and solace in nature…and somehow I am calm and at peace.

Dear Trevis…my Bino….I still love and like you and know we will stand the test of time! Can’t have good times without also making it through the rough, and sometimes stagnant, bad ones. You still amaze me with your humor, your role as dad and coach to our girls, and you by my side, always. I look forward to what the future holds, sharing the rest of lives together and all the adventures we will continue to have! Here’s to finding each other over and over again! Love always, your Bina- Rani

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