Becoming a green thumb vicariously through my hubs!

So I have always wanted to be one with plants! Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong nature advocate…. I just have never been great at taking care of house plants.

I remember as a kid, one of my chores was to water our house plants. My mom had many house plants all bunch together as we entered the home. It was beautiful! But I had to check the little windows on the planters to make sure they were full. So I would fill them, but inevitably I managed to over fill and they would leak…. of which I then had to clean…… Every. Single. Time.

Fast forward now to my own home, and I am very lucky to have my person who loves plants! When Shelter at home happened, we did our best to make this tiny space work for all of us. What really helped was learning more about plants that help with allergies and that brighten up the air. And thus started our journey into home plants!

But being honest, Trevis is indeed, the green thumb! He takes after his mom who also loved gardening and plants. He brings all the plants outside once a week to get some natural light and water…. the pic above was just after a gentle rain and they got a nice shower! I find myself talking to them… the plants…. every now and again and it’s quite comforting!

They make a nice difference in our home and I am grateful for each and every one of them! And for their caretaker too!!

1 Comment

  1. Aw what a lovely childhood memory and one to grow from (no more or at least less water leaking out and little to no clean up 😉 I love that the plants get outside once a week, Yayee for some outside time for the indoor houseplants. Enjoy!

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