Let them be bored.

Cool find while on am walkabout!

As I contemplate and think about many different things, as I often do on early am walks with Slider, I thought about my girls and this year of school for them. A senior and a freshman. And I could go on about how sad I am for them and worry as I most likely will continue to do. But as I walked I realized how damn proud I was of each of them in their own right. Isa, soon to be out of highschool, made the most of this year by getting inspired to bullet journal. She stayed involved by staying community active through ASB and Interact club. She has taken on scholarship applications with commitment. Tamra had taken drawing to a new level thanks to her discovery of Hero Academia. Also a part of ASB, doing her best to figure out what highschool is about.

But I also think about the screen time and lack of physical demands, that sports gave them. The gamer that Tam has become and the endless scrolls of watching other people do things as we just watch. The boredom needling to be filled instead of just sitting in it, contemplating what to do next. And then I realized that usually when boredom strikes, it’s just right after, that epiphany strikes and something is created.

I want to be bored, so that I too can create and come to micro revalations! I think that’s why my escape to outside and walking helps me write and create more.

It has been simply fun to just grab the girls and go……. drive to that grove of trees, walk in a miniature forest, drive along the ocean…. be “bored,” together.

Tamra made an observation how just before she is heading out to do something or if Isa is getting ready for an activity, they seem to get along best with the most fun, simple and laughing time. Those are the moments Trev and love to be sneaks about, spying on them, hearing them both giggling and bantering on! Simple moments that once started with boring nothing to do becomes memorable encapsulated frames of cherished time!

So here is to letting them be bored….. and making the most of it!

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