It’s been a minute.

I haven’t posted in a long time. Most of my postings have been on socials, but hoping to get back into some kind of writing routine again. Something about the onset of fall, puts me in the mood to write.

As we settle into September, I am excited as the prospect of a new shed to serve as both my home office and art studio. Trevis has been working on it to add electricity, insulation, walls floors and a fan. He also added three windows! It’s gonna be so nice and I can’t wait to thoughtfully decorate and plan out the inside. We also got a pretty cool red metal tool trolley that I have already filled with some art supplies.

During the day I have been enjoying my work as the Communication Coordinator for the SLO Chamber. I feel very lucky to be there and really enjoy the people. And I am fortunate to find work that allows me creativity, while balancing work and life.

Loving You-Tube with so much creative inspiration!

Girls are busy with school, both in college, and thankfully, still at home.

Looking forward to sweater weather too….yes, this is California, but we do get cold here too!

The evening walks have been beautiful with the golden sun and clear skies. Slider keeps me moving every morning and evening. She is such a sweet pup of 13 years now.

Cheers to writing and creating and sharing. Be kind to each other!

I welcome your comments!

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